A Heartfelt Production

for Compassionate Creatives

The Music of Miles Eddy

I have done many things over the decades, but my first dream of doing electronic music professionally is one I never pursued...  UNTIL NOW!!!

I am finishing up the details for my first new electronic music album release in over 20 years. 

Come back soon for more details, or visit www.AHeartfeltProduction.com/music to learn more.

Miles Eddy
A Heartfelt Production

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First Track of New Album of Original Electronic Music Jams by Miles Eddy

Miles Eddy
First Track of New Album of Original Electronic Music Jams by Miles Eddy

Today I begin sharing a pre-release version of jams I’m assembling into the first new electronic music album I have done since my first CD “The Wizards’ Fool” in 2001.

The first track I simply call “Rhythm Synth, Bells, String, Bass - 210311c VT-100 JAMS”. I’m still naming the tracks and want to know what comes up for you visual as you listen to this music?

What would you write to describe this musical track?

This electronic music jam was recorded live-to-tape March, 2021 in Bloomington, Indiana - Part of electronic jams for Mind/Body Connection - A Heartfelt Production by Miles Eddy.

All feedback is appreciated!

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An Optimist Path through Cynicism - Welcome

Thank you for joining my story!  I hope you will be active on this blog and share your story too.

In this blog I will be sharing my memoir with an emphases on the lessons I've learned in order to help others.  

I am still putting this site together, so check back soon for more information about how you can participate.


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A Heartfelt Production's - Welcome

a heartfelt production Nov 25, 2018

Hi Everyone,


Thanks for joining me in this journey to help you tell your story to help others!  This means taking whatever knowledge you are teaching others, like coaching and public speaking, and converting it into an online course in order to reach a larger audience.  

Changes are that your are doing whatever you are doing to help others, and that is what I want to do for you, help you help others.  Given my background as a videographer and computer geek, I'm creating an online course of my own, and I need your help.

If you would like to be one of my founding members, I have a mini-course called "From Live to Web Course Survey".  It has some helpful hints you will want to start thinking about, but it's main purpose is survey YOU about your needs so I can create a course that actually addresses the problems you are having.  

To learn more or to sign up, check out my page HERE

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